Book Review for The Giving Meadow, by Stephanie Burkhart

The Giving Meadow, by Stephanie Burkhart, is a gorgeously  illustrated, charming story about a caterpillar’s first days before turning into a butterfly. This story not only teaches children about the fact that caterpillars become butterflies, but it also shows how helping another can bring joy. Because of the generosity of the frog, the ladybug, the bee, and the snake, the caterpillar grows stronger and bigger every day. All of these creatures in the meadow help this young caterpillar on his journey to becoming a beautiful butterfly. A sweet, simple story about giving and evolving. A great read for anyone who has children, grandchildren, or for people who teach children. 51vU6BHwKwL._SX438_BO1,204,203,200_

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